Today, I went to yet another Pulmonary Rehabilitation session. We are having a little break until early July, when we will resume again, with some new students. Therefore, I would like to thank Taria, Jess and Polly for overseeing our latest round of sessions. Good luck with your future activities. It has been great 'working with you', as it has been with all the other previous students I've had the pleasure to meet, over the past few years. You have all helped me, and my friends, so much and I hope we have helped you all as well.
The people I have been attending this last round of PR sessions with (i.e. us 'participants') have been a fabulous group. We have a laugh and a half every week. Hence, cheers to you, Linda (thanks for the biccies), Sally, Val, Gina, Marline, Richard (God), Graham, John, Graham.
Of course, it is always lovely to see you, our guru, Alex, and it was great to see you too, today, Gill.
Now , remember, keep up those exercises during the time we are apart. See you on 'open day', 21st June at The Deerfold. Take care everybody.