I have just read an alarming article in the Guardian regarding people being unshielded and only informed by text message. Here is the link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/27/phone-texts-notify-cancer-transplant-and-asthma-patients-they-are-off-shielding-list
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I haven't been on the forum for a couple of weeks so have only just seen this article. I'm surprised that there haven't been comments about it on the BLF support group page. I think it's terrible that people were informed in this way. How awful and terrifying for anyone who has been relying on the Govt. food boxes to survive!
I have found even the latest change in the shielding guidance a challenge ie going for a walk. Yesterday I had to go to the doctors. This meant a walk from the car to the surgery along Albert Parade and Green street. Some people were not mindful of social distancing at all. I was waiting for my husband to come back with the car and was standing against the wall. Two women walked past me side by side. The one almost brushed me. I thought they would walk in single file but they stayed side by side. I had nowhere to go! Another group of people filled the pavement further up and made no attempt to move. At least I had a mask on, but it unnerved me greatly as I am not used to being away from my 'safe space' after so many weeks at home.
It made me wonder about shielding. Everyone else seems to be going about their business normally. Why are we still staying at home? Then I thought, 'Better safe than sorry.' I've relaxed a bit, but will still remain 'alert' and shield where it's practical to do so.